It can be easy to use up your RAM because it supports so many functions. Keep reading for our tips to help your Mac, Windows computer or phone work more efficiently. Depending on your device, there are a few different ways you can free up RAM space. When you clear RAM space, it gives your computer the capability to carry out tasks. When you use up all of the available RAM memory, your computer’s performance can slow down because it doesn’t have the storage required to complete its tasks.
If you’re listening to music while sending an email or updating your system while watching your favorite TV show, you can thank your device’s RAM for that. Essentially, it’s the memory that allows your devices to run different applications simultaneously so the system can complete multiple tasks at once. RAM is the short-term data that’s stored on your device’s memory chip. Keep reading to learn how to free up RAM and avoid a trip to the repair shop. Luckily, there’s a simple fix you can do yourself to help your devices run better. This is likely due to not having enough random access memory (RAM) on your device. Maybe your phone starts getting hot in your hands or your laptop’s cooling fans start going when you open up a second application. Nearly everyone has experienced trying to Google something on their device only to realize they’re waiting a lot longer than normal for the results to load.